I Should Explain

The post I made below titled An Interesting Encounter seems to have thrown people a loop. What am I talking about? Where am I going?
Well, rest easy. What I'm talking about is this: possibly joining the Air Force Reserve. It's something I've wanted to do and something I've regretted not doing. I went and talked to a recruiter. I would be ready to sign on the dotted line, if it weren't for the long initial training. I found out that while basic training is 7 weeks, I would go straight from there to tech school. So he told me I would be gone from 4 to 5 months.
4 to 5 months is a long time to be gone. I could understand if I were called to active duty to be sent somewhere. But 4 or 5 months at a tech school in Texas or Oklahoma is more than I can handle right now I'm afraid. I've gotten in touch with a Reserve Officer recruiter in Montgomery. She's supposed to call me back. I'll try to post what happens, if anything.
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