Reporter's Notebook

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Free HBO

I've got to keep this updated. I don't want to be accused of being like Chris Davis and only updating once a week.

I don't really have anything news related to update with. So I'm just giving you one of my many observations.

Photographer Brad Hood took his family on a short vacation to Chattanooga over the weekend. He was telling me what a nice hotel room they had. He also mentioned it had free HBO.

This got me to thinking how many hotels and motels have signs out front that say, FREE HBO. I really wonder how many people have picked a hotel based on the fact it's got FREE HBO? Personally I've never spent a vacation watching HBO. I don't recall ever watching HBO in a hotel room.

You never hear someone at the office say, "Yep, me and the wife are going to drive down to Fort Walton. We're going to get a us a room on the beach and watch us some HBO." Maybe some people do.


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