Lost at the Parade
I judged the Arab Christmas Parade tonight. It was a lot of fun. But it brings back an unpleasant memory from childhood. I got lost at the Arab Christmas Parade in 1983. I was 7 years old and somehow got separated from my mom and dad. I wandered the sidewalk aimlessly, tears streaming down my face. I finally stumbled across my great aunt, who I recognized. She got me and tried to find my mom and dad. We ended up just having to leave. We drove by my mom's sisters house. They weren't there. So she ended up taking me to my mom's other sister who lived across the road from us. During this whole trip, I'm in the backseat crying. Somehow I was finally reunited with my mom and dad, who didn't seem to be all that worried. I'm not sure what traumatized me the most, getting lost or finally being found.
At 8:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
That is such a sad story. So did you get lost last night? Hopefully not. :)
I once got separated from my parents. I was about three years old and we were on an elevator. The elevator stopped, the doors opened and everyone got out but me. It was pretty scary and traumatic. Especially for Mom.
At 9:41 AM,
OUWxGirl said…
Awww that's so sad. I'm glad you found your great aunt and eventually your parents. It can be pretty scary for a kid to get lost like that.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Carson, That explains a lot!
At 7:30 AM,
KK Edgil-Mills said…
Carson, when I was 6 I got lost in Gatlinburg! How that happened I will never know, but an hour later I was found sitting at the table of a candy shop drinking lemonade and my parents walked in all frantic looking. I was scared that I would never find them. We left that shop and my dad went and bought me a t-shirt that said, "I love my dad this ad paid for by my dad." I still have that shirt and my niece wears it all the time 29 years later! So it was a fun day after all.
At 3:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
did your parents not wonder where you were?
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