It's been so long since I updated the blog. I used to write something everyday. Now, just from time to time. It's a busy time right now. We are in ratings. When we are in a ratings month, it seems like things are always frantic. The good thing is that everyone is on staff.
I lost my voice over the weekend. I had to sit out Tuesday. I'm still not back to 100 percent, but I'm getting close.
I lost my voice over the weekend. I had to sit out Tuesday. I'm still not back to 100 percent, but I'm getting close.
At 10:14 PM,
OUWxGirl said…
It's ok. I check back every so often but even I can't update my blog every day. Some days I'm very busy, some days I'm feeling pretty sick.
I thought you sounded hoarse this weekend. I wished I could have given you a throat lozenge but there wasn't a way I could do that over the air waves.
There's a bug going around. Several people at the atmospheric science department here at UAH are getting sick and I think I'm getting the beginning of something. I think I need to try that Airborne or Zicam.
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