Reporter's Notebook

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I've heard that somewhere before.

Both of our competitors did a story on a loose tiger in Cullman County. Funny thing, their video, interviews and script were exactly the same. When I saw one of the stories run yesterday there was a line in it that went, "This man believes the Tiger belongs to Ed Smith." I thought, what a poor piece of writing. Why name a name? Who is Ed Smith? I bet there are a lot of Ed Smiths across North Alabama. If you give the name Ed Smith, tell me who Ed Smith is. Why not just say, "This man believes he knows who the tiger belongs to." Then, when I saw the other station run their story this morning, they too used the, "This man believes the Tiger belongs to Ed Smith" line.

This story was done by a Birmingham station and both Huntsville stations got it off the feed and just re-voiced the audio with their own people.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Here is one more I meant to post. It's me with the U.S. Ambassador to Argentina, Lino Gutierrez. He went to Alabama.  Posted by Picasa

Finally, the Pictures are up.

I've posted more pictures from Argentina. I took almost 200 pictures, so this is a very small sample.

Buenos Aires, Argentina Posted by Picasa

The United States Embassy. The biggest embassy I saw. Most, like the French embassy, were just converted houses. Posted by Picasa

Police outside the U.S. Embassy. There was about to be a protest. It turned out to be pretty weak. Posted by Picasa

The Hotel Posted by Picasa

A flower sculpture. It actually closes up at night. Posted by Picasa

The grave of Evita Peron. She was the first lady of Argentina from the late '40s into the 1950s. "Don't Cry for me Argentina." Posted by Picasa

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Argentina's soccer stadium. Posted by Picasa

I went to a Fiesta Gaucho, which means Cowboy Party, I guess, about an hour outside Buenos Aires. Posted by Picasa

Beef being cooked up at the Fiesta Gaucho. I passed on the blood sausage. Posted by Picasa

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These cowboys or gauchos, were racing to see who could get a little ring off that wood frame you see down there. Posted by Picasa

Guy on stilts in an area of Buenos Aires called La Boca. Posted by Picasa

There were kids everywhere on the streets of Buenos Aires asking for money. These kids were actually doing something to try and earn it. Posted by Picasa

Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil. Posted by Picasa

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The mouth of the falls. The picture captures about 2 percent of the magnitude of what is actually going on here. Awesome Posted by Picasa

I visited a school while in Argentina. The worst school in the United States would look like a mansion compared to this school. It was 95 degrees and no A/C. Posted by Picasa

The small town of Puerto Iguazu, which is near Iguazu Falls. Posted by Picasa