Reporter's Notebook

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Weekend

Friday is here. I'm glad. Today is my 12th or 13th day of work in a row. Sometimes I think I would prefer working a nightside schedule. Nightside is what all of those who work on the 10pm show are on. It's normally a 2pm to 11pm schedule. I'm not a late sleeper. 8am is about my limit for sleeping late. But I'm not an early to bed kind of guy either. I went to sleep about 11 last night, which is about the earliest for me. Around 8:30 every night, I seem to hit a new level of alertness. So I can be dead tired at 7 and wide awake at 9pm. With a nightside schedule you also get more time in the day to take care of things. If you need to go to the doctor, the dentist or do errands, you've got several hours before work.

I took the car to the shop yesterday. $423 dollars later, I got it back. The left hub went bad. The part was 300 and something dollars. Ouch!!


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