Reporter's Notebook

Friday, September 09, 2005

newschannelS 19???

I talked with my news director about this sometime back. But I got to thinking, maybe it's time for the name NewsChannel 19 to go away. Before I go on, I need to explain that changing a name is no easy task. It requires a lot of time and money.

But, in my opinion, NewsChannel 19 just doesn't say who we are anymore. WHNT is now much more than a Channel. In fact, we now have more than one Channel. We are on the internet. You can go online and read stories at your leisure. You can get the latest weather forecast, sports stories or read this blog. Or you can watch stories online. We now operate on two channels of the broadcast spectrum. Our analog channel is still on 19. Our digital channel is 59. And on that channel, you can see high defintion programming and also a 24-hour weather channel.

So maybe it's time we just become News 19. It's clear, it's simple and it says exactly who we are and what we do. News. But then again, people have gotten used to NewsChannel 19.


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