Reporter's Notebook

Friday, April 08, 2005

Newsroom Conversations

As I continue to do sports, there's not much to add to the reporter's notebook. So I have to find other things to talk about. One thing, is that people in the newsroom seem fascinated that I've never eaten Chinese food.

Maybe that is strange, but I never have. It's possible that I could have had a part of an eggroll once, not sure. There are just many foods that I guess I've never eaten, because they just didn't strike me as something that I'd be interested in. Whenever I go out to eat with someone, the rule has always been, anything but Chinese or Mexican. Although I have relented on the Mexican part recently. I will eat the occasional burrito.

Something else that you will read and not be able to believe, I've never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I don't like peanut butter and I don't like jelly. I've never eaten a Reece's Cup. I've never eaten a Butterfinger.

Now you know more about me, than you probably wish you did. Thanks for stopping by.


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